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(1 edit)

Downloading at like .5MB/min and says approximately 1H until finished download

Also the built-in/web version won't load


(1 edit)

how play game

i tried the tutorial for gamedev. the testing doesn't work.

Yes, i was (still am) horrible at designing tutorials when i made this.

For Game Testing, there are some walls on the rightmost screen. The walls block off a rocket. The walls can be moved up and down using the sliders on the leftmost screen. When there is a clear path for the rocket to travel to the UFO, the testing will succeed, and the success likelihood will go up by 20%. The button underneath the percentage will launch the game, and it will have a chance to succeed or fail  based on the success likelihood. 0% will guarantee a fail, 100% will guarantee a success, etc. Failed games will slightly decrease your money, successful games will increase your money slightly or substantially based on the success likelihood


i definiftely dont understand how to play this